working at JEAN MÜLLER

At JEAN MÜLLER, a career means that every member of staff is motivated and committed to contributing to the company’s success according to their particular skills and knowledge. There are no predetermined career paths – because people change with their tasks. This is reflected at JEAN MÜLLER by the fact that every single member of staff can develop in whichever direction they choose. JEAN MÜLLER likes to recruit executive staff from within its ranks.

Because at JEAN MÜLLER we know that a company will only continue to develop if the people who work there do the same. Which is why supporting and promoting our staff is so important to us. We offer you interesting and challenging entry opportunities as well as plenty of options for professional development.

We offer you numerous opportunities
for professional development.

Sales Engineer Türkiye

Purpose of duty is to provide neces­sary solu­tions to active customers by taking active part in all Turkish projects and sales activ­i­ties, in accor­dance with the targets and poli­cies of the company, and to prof­itable increase sales by maxi­mizing new customer penetration.
  • To follow up and carry out projects within the scope of the product portfolio.
  • Supporting customers for their tech­nical ques­tions in scope of product portfolio.
  • To prepare tech­nical spec­i­fi­ca­tions for poten­tial customer groups in order to submit to the rele­vant insti­tu­tions, and to give infor­ma­tion and guid­ance through the projects.
  • To take part during the writing phase of project- spec­i­fi­ca­tions by arranging visits to contin­uous and regular customers, and to provide company prod­ucts for spec­i­fi­ca­tion in such projects.
  • To prepare adver­tise­ments in Turkish language, regarding the prod­ucts in the company’s product port­folio, and to share data in social media platforms.
  • Arranging seminars/webinars and attending exhi­bi­tions as visitor/exhibitor.
  • To set off meet­ings and visiting existing and poten­tial customers, to deliver the offers prepared in line with customer requests.
  • Competitor analysis and to prof­itable increase the sales.
  • To provide solu­tions to customers queries and prob­lems; to provide coor­di­na­tion with the concerned people and depart­ments for these solu­tions in the company.
  • To report and eval­uate visited customer infor­ma­tion at ERP programs.
  • To complete assigned duties and planned tasks in a timely and duly manner.
  • To main­tain profes­sional development.

  • Strategic direc­tion and decision-making.
  • Strong lead­er­ship and team­work skills, ability to dele­gate, open to learning and improving.
  • Math­e­mat­ical intel­li­gence, advanced analyt­ical skills.
  • Customer manage­ment ability.
  • Reporting and presen­ta­tion skills.
  • Presentable, high persua­sion, advanced commu­ni­ca­tion and strong team­work skills.
  • Solu­tion and results-oriented approach.
  • Ability to use vehicle actively with a B Class driver license.
  • Bach­elor degree in Elec­trical or Elec­trical and Elec­tronic Engineering.
  • Excel­lent English language skills, written & spoken.

If you are interesed, please get in contact with
Felix Mohr
Phone.: +49 6123 604–769
Mobil: +49 170 8517833

internships for
school and student

Have your first professional experiences on an internship at JEAN MÜLLER and find out just what we are able to offer you. Or combine your theoretical knowledge with the practical expertise that you gain with us while working on your diploma or bachelor thesis. Talk to us well before you would like to start because our internships are in great demand!

Franziska Stirner / HR Department

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